This whitepaper explores key market trends, outlines critical capabilities for future-proof digital front-ends, and reveals how banks can unlock new opportunities by transforming their corporate banking channels. Unlocking Growth in Corporate Banking
Secure Electronic Payment (PSD2) Expand your banking platform Safe with multi:versa Get your free demo All over the world, many prominent financial institutions are relying on our tried-and-tested transaction solutions for corporate clients - become
The multi:bank App meets the strict requirements of Secure Client Authentication (SCA) specified by the PSD2 Guidelines and EBICS stipulations. This includes, for example, rootkit detection, anti-debugging, integrity checks, no temporary storage of p
Extend your banking platform Partnerships and ecosystems are mission critical to coconet and our customers. Get your free demo All over the world, many prominent financial institutions are relying on our tried-and-tested transaction solutions for cor
Want to join our partner ecosystem? Let’s jump into an exciting corporate banking mission together! Ready to become a partner? Our financial services customers select coconet to meet their needs for speed, scalability, and cost-efficiency through inn
Your corporate e-banking channel requires an update? You are afraid of high project efforts and large scale customisation? Are you looking for plannable subscription fees and a solution which allows flexible adaption of your offering based on a marke