Building the truly digital and embedded corporate bank of the future

coconet accelerates banks – with the #1 whitelabelled digital corporate banking platform built by technology leaders, functional innovators and regulatory experts.


This is coconet

The coconet Group is one of the leading companies for white-labeled front-end channel solutions in digital corporate banking.

Founded in 1984 and headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, coconet delivers multi:versa, a unique channel platform for corporate banking.More than 200 employees design, develop and deploy functionality for global payments and cash management, corporate client onboarding, business banking apps, open banking APIs and financial dashboards.

Digital innovation only happens when smart minds meet the right environment. In our digital-first company, we offer all employees room to grow and support to succeed.


The team behind our success

Our Management 

A dynamic leadership team with diverse industry experience and proven expertise. 

With a clear customer focus, we manage a strong ecosystem with talented employees and competent partners.

Our crew

coconet employees are innovative minds, powerful coder, leaders and above all - great people.

They come from a wide variety of countries, speak many languages and bring their unique experiences to our company.

Our Mission

Are you looking for reliable out-of-the-box solutions for your complex corporate banking environment?

Then join our multi:versa: One platform for all your corporate banking channels, based on state-of-the-art cloud architecture patterns featuring stunning user experience and fast innovation cycles.

Engage easily with corporate, business and fintech customers while meeting all security and regulatory requirements.

Benefit from intuitive front ends for all web and mobile channels plus open banking direct access. Powerful build options are already integrated, giving you the freedom to further expand your platform at any time - even independently of coconet.

Our financial services customers select coconet to meet their needs for speed, scalability, and cost-efficiency through innovation, cloud technology and solutions that cover corporate banking channels end-to-end.

25% of the world‘s top 15 banks and 40% of the European top 15 banks are already with us.

Portfolio and our focus areas

The digital channel between bank and corporate customer is coconet home turf.

And everything we do is connected to payment transactions. You will get cash management, client onboarding, digital credit processes and more right out of the box ready for corporates.

While our competitors try to cover all segments of the bank at the same time, we believe in the specifics of the corporate and business customer segment. Only here you will find a high level of complexity in the business requirements to be aligned with stringent usability and strict security requirements. All of this you will find in our multi:versa platform.


Our customers

Partner ecoystem

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Let’s jump into an exciting corporate banking mission together!

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