FinovateEurope 2022
Tech to succeed today. Vision to thrive tomorrow
FinovateEurope captivates with live-demos on innovative products and expert advice from key influencers - curated, fast-paced and straight to the point. For this reason, we applied for a virtual demo. Thanks to the Finovate Committee for approving coconet for a demo at FinovateEurope 2022.
See how true digitisationand virtual collaboration can transform corporate online banking!
Discover coconet’s interactive thrilling showcase on our
digital bank-customer collaboration portfolio!
- How can banks create a digital qualified signature process lending workflow?
- How can a combination of digital signature processes and mobile functionality enable great bank-customer collaboration?
- And will CoCoNet make it to Finovate on time?
Be part of the great show to discover the whole story!
Extraordinary specials by coconet at Finovate 2022:
ICON Be there when we release a world premiere before
starting our demo at Finovate.
ICON Follow an exciting interactive demo of the coconet board.
ICON Get a promo code with 20% discount on tickets.
(read more below)
Get your 20% promo code now!
Whether you want to participate on-site, hybrid or virtual, you will receive a discount through coconet. Please fill out the form below and receive your VIP code by return.
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London & Online
FinovateEurope | InterContinental London - The O2